Derhachivskyy rayon, Kharkivska oblast. Houses for sale. Derhachivskyy rayon, Kharkivska oblast.

Houses for sale. Derhachivskyy rayon, Kharkivska oblast

2 listings : average price - 4,800,000Β UAH (33,846Β UAH / sqm)

Average Property Price

The cost statistics, based on current listings for "Derhachivskyy rayon, Kharkivska oblast. Sale. Houses", are — 4,800,000Β UAH (33,846Β UAH / sqm)

Important: the stated sum is the median value of all listings posted by owners, developers, or real estate agents. This does not necessarily reflect the actual cost of future buying, selling, or renting transactions. Real prices can vary significantly. At the same time, this price analysis helps to understand the level of figures in a specific segment of the real estate market.